The Pine low profile handrail is a more subtle handrail which has more of a decorative profile whilst using less wood. This is an unfinished product and includes a fillet.|Features|The low profile handrail is a more intricately designed handrail designed to appear less bulky for a slimlined finish. Low profile has more lines on the surface for a decorated surface|Easy to install for a competent DIYer. Just make sure to have the correct spindles to fit in the handrails 41mm grooves|Low profile handrails are available in Pine|Designed to be used in the Benchmark range. We also recommend using this with Oak and Pine stairparts as low profile handrails are now available in White Prime and Hemlock|Engineered for core stability. All of our stairparts are made to the highest quality and come with a 2 year guarantee|Our Pine handrails are made using a lightweight, straight grained softwood which is easy to work with. Due to its strength, elasticity and relatively low cost, Pine is a popular choice to be used in a variety of projects|To finish off Pine, lightly sand before applying wood stain, varnish, paint or a lacquer