Ronseal One Coat Fencelife is an advanced, quick drying shed and fence treatment that will protect all rough sawn garden timber from the rigours of the weather with fade-resistant colour in just one coat|Safe for plants and pets|Ronseal One Coat Fencelife is ideal for use on any rough sawn garden timber and sheds, fences, trellises, summer houses, gates, wooden garden structures, pergolas etc|It can be used on new wood or wood which has been stained previously in a similar colour. Like other water-based garden treatments, it is not suitable for use on smooth planed wood, decking or garden furniture|For wood in contact with the ground use a suitable wood preserver|How many coats: One Coat is recommended|Ronseal One Coat Fencelife will be touch dry in just 1 to 2 hours, under normal conditions and can be recoated in 4 hours if necessary